| Dept. of Limnology and Bio-Oceanography, Center of Ecology, University of Vienna Althanstrasse 14 1090 Vienna Austria | T: +43-1-4277 / 76441 E:
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Education Habilitation (Univ. of Vienna), 2009: The Northern Adriatic Sea: lessons in marine ecology from a "dead zone"
PhD, 1980, Zoology University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria BSc, 1973, Biology/Chemistry University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA Research Interest - Northern Adriatic, benthos, hypoxia/anoxia, hermit crab symbiosis
- Sea turtles
- Coral reefs
Projects- 07/2009- 06/2013 PI
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project (P21542-B17), Vienna (Austria) "Low dissolved oxygen events in the Northern Adriatic: in situ experimental insights into multi-level responses before, during and post- anoxia" - 01/2011-06/2013 Research associate
Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD), Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF), Vienna (Austria) Bilateral project (Austria-France): "Experimentally induced anoxia in the Northern Adriatic Sea: eiofauna responses and changes in sediment geochemistry" (WTZ; FR 13/2011) - 01/2009- 12/2010 PI (Austria)
Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD), Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF), Vienna (Austria) Bilateral project (Austria-Slovenia): "Reaction of benthic organisms to hypoxia/anoxia in the Northern Adriatic" (WTZ; SI 22/2009)
- 07/2005-12/2008 PI
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project (P17655-B03), Vienna (Austria) "Oxygen crises in the North Adriatic: effect on the structure and behaviour of the macroepibenthos"
Teaching 2010-1995 Advisor to 11 Master's students and 1 Doctoral student Introduction to Marine Pollution (Course held every summer semester) Coral Reef Field Course (Course held every year at Dahab, Egypt, Red Sea; with W. Waitzbauer, J. Herler, P. Zolda) Marine Turtle Field Course (Course held every summer in Turkey) Scientific Publication for Biologists (Course held every winter semester; with G. Gollmann) Management of Endangered Species (Course held every winter semester, with N. Ziegler) Introduction to Marine Biology (Course held in winter semester 2007/08 with D. Abed-Navandi)
Publications For complete list of publications see Main Menue: Publications Miscellaneous - Austrian Representative in the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and alternate commissioner (since 1994).
- Book review editor: MARINE ECOLOGY: an evolutionary perspective (Blackwell Publishing) (since 2005, previously editorial assistent since 1981)
Awards- 2016 "Hans and Lotte Hass Award for Marine Conservation" (Vienna's Aqua Terra Zoo)
2002 “Innovation in teaching” prize, Univ. of Vienna (for “Scientific Publication for Biologists”) 1992 Honorary Science Award at "Aqua Vision", International Water-Congress & Trade Fair, Klagenfurt, Austria (for concept to combat eutrophication of the Adriatic Sea) 1990 City of Vienna Award for special achievement in the sciences 1981-98 Stipends from the Austrian Ministry of Science for field work in Slovenia (total: 13 months) 1981 Award: Theodor Körner Foundation for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences (Vienna); 1981 Award: Foundation of the City of Vienna for the Advancement of Science (Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung) (Projects: hermit crab symbioses) 1987-2000 Invited speaker to various symposia (1986 Bologna, 1987 Cesenatico, 1990 London, 1995 Dotternhausen, 1996 Oahu, 2000 Abu Dhabi)
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